business services
Did you find business services charge on your credit card statement? Join other members (no registration needed) by adding a comment with all available information, such as an approximate date of the transaction and your assumptions on where did the charge come from, if any.
If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel business services recurring payments, please report it immediately by adding a comment.
If you have merchant's contact information, such as Business Name, Address, Phone Number, Email, or instructions on how to cancel business services recurring payments, please report it immediately by adding a comment.
on my PayPal account is described as business services, I was charged about (5am) in the morning, is when my phone signified me of an alert my card was used for the total amount of $10.60 I am having to dispute these charges with PayPal (I am Verrrrry mad)
Carla /Tallahassee FL 7/2019